🆕Webstudio CMS Beta and Experts Network

Launching CMS Integrations and Experts Network

Hey Creators, we have 2 giant updates for you! Before I dive into details, here are 2 actionable items:

  1. Click the “Notify me” button on Product Hunt; it’s super important to not miss the date because we will need your support to become #1 product of the day! Also, you can subscribe to the waitlist here to learn when it goes live. Help us make the Webstudio CMS launch a giant success by reposting on X and commenting on Product Hunt during the launch day!

  2. Make more money by creating a Contra profile.

Now let's dive in.

Webstudio CMS Beta - The Best CMS Is the One You Already Use.

It's been a while since we said we are launching CMS integrations soon, and now we are ready! We needed to get it right because the whole point of building Webstudio is not to create yet another static site builder. The power of Webstudio is its Dynamic Data capability powered by rock-solid, massively scaled Cloudflare Workers. These little machines spread across 270 locations globally are why Webstudio sites are dynamic at the speed of static.

Now with this CMS Beta launch, we have created all the primitives to connect to any CMS, CRM, Database to make Webstudio truly dynamic thanks to dynamic routing, data-driven SEO settings, redirects, status codes, language, sitemaps, and rich text.

All of this is fully customizable and can be reused as a clonable project, more about it on our blog.

Experts Network on Contra - Earn More Money or find builders

Tons of people have asked us where they can find Webstudio experts, designers, and developers. Now we have an answer, an Expert Network powered by Contra - a commission-free platform that allows you to showcase your work, find clients, and find builders!

If you are looking to get more clients, hurry up, create a profile with at least one project made in Webstudio. Once the first 12 profiles are selected, they will get extra 👀 when Contra sends out an update to their network!

More news

  1. Please welcome John from createtoday.io as a core team member of Webstudio! You may not know, but John has created a Webstudio Essentials course that gets you from 0 to Complete Website With SEO

  2. Watch this deep dive into creating dynamic, filterable, and searchable content with Webstudio and Airtable

Changelog Highlights

  • Marketplace for section and page templates is now available directly from the builder. You can also submit free and paid templates to earn money.

  • Added "Advanced section" in the style panel that allows you to use nearly every CSS property and value.

  • Added support for the backdrop-filter and text-shadow properties in the style panel.

  • We are now excluding the page from search by default, so that you don't accidentally publish something experimental.

  • The color picker now has an eyedropper tool.

  • A variable inspector dialog allows you to comfortably see any value in the code editor. Click on the menu in the variables list, then select "inspect".

  • You can now paste a cURL string into the Resource URL and get all the fields automatically filled out.

  • Allow customizing contact email when using Webhook Form in project settings.

  • New Share Project permissions allow you to share the project without allowing others to clone or copy it.

  • Our Redirects feature allows you to use 301 and 302 status codes for permanent and temporary redirects.

Releases 0.160.0 and older

Last updated