🎯SEO Settings

Webstudio provides comprehensive SEO features.

✅ SEO Features

  • Meta title

  • Meta description

  • Open graph

  • Semantic tags

  • Image alt text

  • All meta fields

  • Sitemap

  • Custom sitemap

  • No index

  • Auto exclude no index from sitemap

  • Robots.txt

  • SSL

  • 301 redirects

  • 302 redirects

  • Site

  • WebSite structured data

  • Href lang tag

  • Auto image conversion (performance)

  • Auto image compression (performance)

  • Auto set image width and height (CLS)

  • Image lazy & eager loading options (performance and LCP)

  • Aria labels

  • Link rel

  • Favicon

  • All attributes

🌐 Global Site Settings

In the 'Site Settings' under the Webstudio menu, you'll find essential settings for your entire website:

  • Site Name: Used to output WebSite structured data to clearly define your website's identity.

  • Favicon: Output your logo in search engines, browser tabs, and more.

  • Custom Header Code: Global field to output scripts in the head.

These settings ensure uniformity and brand coherence across all pages of your website.

🔍 Individual Page SEO Settings

Fine-tune SEO settings for each page through the 'Pages' tab:

  • Title & Description: Craft unique titles and descriptions for each page, enhancing search engine visibility.

  • SEO Previews: Visualize how your pages will display in search results and on social media.

  • Exclude from Search Results: Opt to hide (no index) specific pages from search engines. No indexing the content will also remove it from the sitemap.

  • Social Sharing: Set engaging images for social media sharing, complete with previews.

  • Custom Meta Tags: Add additional Meta Tags your page for further search and social customization.

Last updated