Paste CSS into Webstudio, and it'll be translated to the various fields in the Style Panel.
Last updated
Paste CSS into Webstudio, and it'll be translated to the various fields in the Style Panel.
Last updated
CSS is the design language of the internet. With this feature, you can copy CSS from anywhere and paste it into Webstudio, which will parse it and populate the various fields in the Style Panel.
Copy CSS declaration(s) such as background: blue;
In Webstudio, go to the Style Panel > Advanced > and click "+".
Paste the CSS and press enter.
That's it.
The styles are parsed and displayed in their respective fields (they will also be shown in the Advanced section).
Third-party libraries like Open Props provide expertly crafted CSS variables, allowing you to import them via paste.
Custom stylesheets containing Design Systems and other declarations can be imported.
Inspect your website with DevTools and copy the CSS.
Online tutorials, CodePen, ChatGPT, and many other sources provide CSS.
Webstudio liberates website creators from CSS selectors so they don't have to worry about specificity, combo classes, and having an HTML structure tightly coupled with CSS.
Therefore, Webstudio supports pasting CSS declarations, not selectors.