Webstudio's Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to interact directly with your Projects from the command line.

One of the key features of Webstudio's CLI is its exporting capability. With this, you can export your entire Webstudio Project in full.

Once exported, these projects are ready to be deployed on any hosting platform of your choice - giving you complete freedom over where and how your website goes live.

Prerequisites: Installing Node.js

You need Node.js to use the Webstudio CLI. If Node.js is already installed in your system, you can skip ahead to the section on installing the Webstudio CLI.

To install Node.js using NVM, first install NVM by running:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.5/install.sh | bash

Once NVM is installed, you can install Node.js version 20 or greater by running:

nvm install 20

Verify your Node.js installation by checking its version:

node --version

Installing the Webstudio CLI

To get started with the Webstudio CLI:

  1. Download and install the CLI using the following command:

    npm install -g webstudio
  2. Confirm the installation by checking the CLI version:

    webstudio --version
  3. To keep your CLI updated, use the same command used for installation whenever a new release is available.

Initiating a Webstudio Project

Now, you can run a Webstudio Project on your local machine using this command:


This will initiate the flow to connect your Webstudio Cloud project and build it in your local computer. The default flow will guide you through the steps. You can also perform all the operations individually using independent commands.


Here is the list of independent commands:

  • version

  • help

  • link

  • sync

  • build

The link command syncs your local Webstudio Project with the Project from the Cloud. This means that any changes made in the Cloud can be synced to the local Project, once they are published.

You can link a Project from Webstudio Cloud with the following command:

webstudio link

This command will prompt you to paste a link which you can create using the Share option in your Project.

Make sure to provide Build access when generating the link in Webstudio Cloud.


Once the project is linked, use the sync command to sync it with the Cloud:

webstudio sync

Make sure to publish the Project in Webstudio Cloud before running the sync command in your local Webstudio Project.


Now, you can build your Project as a dynamic app or static site using the build command:

webstudio build

Build a JavaScript application

During this phase, the CLI establishes the necessary routes and pages, scaffolding the entire application using the default Remix template. Additionally, all assets, such as images and fonts, are downloaded to the assets folder inside the public directory.

Once the project is scaffolded, you can run npm install and then npm run dev to run your app in development mode.

If you want to build a production version of the app, you can run npm run build.

See JavaScript app hosting platforms we have documented.

Build a static site

You can optionally build the project as a static site by selecting "Static Site Generation (SSG)" in templates or with the following command:

webstudio build --template ssg

Please review the limitations of using the static site export instead of dynamic (i.e., all the other options in templates).

See static site hosting platforms we have documented.

Last updated

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