
The list of keyboard shortcuts to build in Webstudio.

Operating system notes


  • Replace command () with control (Ctrl).


  • On Mac, alt and option are the same key ().


  • Undo: command + z

  • Redo: command + shift + z

  • Deselect/abort: esc

  • Copy: command + c

  • Cut: command + x

  • Paste: command + v

  • Duplicate: command + d

  • Open Navigator: z

  • Open Add Components: a

  • Edit Component: enter

  • Expand Navigator item: right arrow

  • Collapse Navigator item: left arrow

  • Expand all Navigator item children: alt + click

Style Panel

  • Open Style Panel: s

  • Reset style: alt + click

  • Reset style for all corners: shift + alt + click

  • Edit spacing on all sides (via drag): shift + drag

  • Edit spacing on all sides (via one input): add value to one side, and before closing, use shift + enter

  • Edit spacing on two sides (via drag): option + drag

  • Edit spacing on two sides (via one input): add value to one side, and before closing, use option + enter

  • Increment value by 10: shift + up/down arrow

  • Increment value by .1: alt + up/down arrow

Settings Panel

  • Open Settings Panel: d

Top Bar

  • Preview: command + shift + p

  • Switch breakpoints: numbers (e.g., 1 switches to the first one)

Last updated